
Pressures created by different values of this quantity in cylindrical jets are the cause of the Plateau-Rayleigh instability, which is exploited by some printers. Methods of measuring this quantity using devices like a Wilhelmy plate have largely replaced the use of a platinum du Noüy (“du NOO-ee”) ring. This quantity decreases linearly with temperature according to the Eötvös (“UT-vush”) rule. Substances with high values for this quantity tend to have larger contact angles, as predicted by the Young equation. This quantity is traditionally reported in units of dynes per centimeter, reflecting how its dimensions are energy per unit area. This quantity is lowered by surfactants. For 10 points, name this quantity that describes the cohesive forces holding together the molecules of a droplet. ■END■

ANSWER: surface tension [accept surface energy or surface free energy or interfacial energy or interface energy; prompt on gamma]
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