
In an inaugural address, this politician proclaimed a goal of “peace for generations to come” rather than the peace of surrender. Before one debate, this politician hit his knee on a car door and had to be hospitalized. At a speech given at Fort Detrick, this politician renounced the use of biological weapons. In a speech delivered by this politician, he claimed that Peter Edson told him to talk to Dana Smith about “the Fund.” This politician denied that his wife owned a mink coat in that speech named for a cocker spaniel given to his daughter as a gift. While at a press conference at Disney’s contemporary resort, this politician proclaimed “I am not a crook” in the wake of the Saturday Night Massacre. For 10 points, name this president that resigned in the wake of the Watergate Scandal. ■END■

ANSWER: Richard Nixon [or Richard Milhouse Nixon]
<American History>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
