
In this play, a character says, “I would have been the first [certifiably insane] ten-year-old in medical history,” and remembers posters of Max Schmeling and Rita Hayworth. A character in this play describes “broken spiders trying to do the quickstep” in a championship for which the prize is a chamber pot filled with urine after getting a phone call about his disabled father. This play ends with a jukebox playing the song “Little man you’ve had a busy day.” Two characters in this play recall living in the Jubilee boarding house while talking in the St. George’s Park Tea Room. A character in this play, who thinks of ballroom dancing as a “world without collisions,” tells a boy that “You can’t fly kites on rainy days.” For 10 points, name this play about Hally and the servants Sam and Willie written by Athol Fugard. ■END■

ANSWER: “Master Harold” …and the Boys
<World Literature>
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