
A form of anthropology based on this ideology is practiced by Andrej Grubačić. A textbook of this ideology subtitled “from theory to practice” was written by Daniel Guerin. One thinker left this ideology after accusing it of “lifestylism” in a 1995 essay. This ideology would be achieved by social ecology and municipalism in a Murray Bookchin book titled for its “post-scarcity” form. A book criticizing this ideology opened by stating that one of its advocates committed two errors by being both an economist and German. Marx’s The Poverty of Philosophy criticized one book about this ideology. This first thinker to self-identify with this ideology was Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, whose magnum opus equates property with theft. For 10 points, name this political philosophy which advocates abolition of the state. ■END■

ANSWER: anarchy [or anarchism; prompt on libertarianism]
<Social Science>
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