In a book titled for “Allegorical Play” in this genre, Sylvia Huot discusses how pieces in this genre critique courtly love in both Old French and Latin. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this genre in which composers such as Philippe de Vitry used the technique of isorhythm. Thomas Tallis’s Spem in Alium is a 40-voice piece in this choral genre.
ANSWER: motet [accept isorhythmic motet; accept Allegorical Play in the Old French Motet]
[10h] This other composer expanded on the isorhythmic motets pioneered by Vitry. This composer wrote a piece named for “Nostre Dame” in Reims Cathedral as one of the first complete works in the “ordinary” form of one genre.
ANSWER: Guillaume de Machaut (“ma-SHOW”)
[10e] That aforementioned piece by Machaut is credited as the first complete piece by a single composer in this liturgical genre, which includes settings of hymns such as the Kyrie (“KEE-ree-ay”) and Sanctus.
ANSWER: mass [or messe, or mass ordinary; accept Messe de Nostre Dame or Mass of Our Lady]
<Classical Music>