
The 16th-century Flemish philosopher Justus Lipsius (“YOOST-us LIP-see-us”) attempted to synthesize this ancient philosophy with Christianity. For 10 points each:
[10e] Zeno of Citium founded what school of philosophy that also included Seneca?
ANSWER: Stoicism
[10h] Lipsius is best known for a Senecan dialogue with his friend Langius that praises this quality as the chief virtue. Seneca addressed his friend Serenus in an essay titled for this virtue “of the wise.”
ANSWER: constancy [or constance; accept firmness; accept steadiness; accept steadfastness; accept De Constantia Sapientis or On the Firmness of the Wise; accept De Constantia Libri Duo]
[10m] This Renaissance thinker was similarly inspired by Seneca to write the book Remedies for Fortune Fair and Foul. This man also rediscovered a collection of letters by Cicero.
ANSWER: Petrarch [or Francesco Petrarca]

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Rutgers BColumbia B1001020
Cornell AStanford A100010
Toronto ACornell B100010
Florida AYale A1001020
Michigan AHouston A100010
Claremont AIowa State A100010
MIT AMinnesota A100010
Georgia Tech AMaryland A1001020
Purdue AMinnesota B1001020
Imperial ANYU A1001020
Chicago CNorth Carolina A100010
UC Berkeley ANorthwestern A100010
McGill ASouth Carolina A0000
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UC Berkeley BVanderbilt A1001020
Penn State AVirginia A0000
Rutgers AWUSTL B1001020
Georgia Tech BYale B1001020
Chicago AOhio State A1001020
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Johns Hopkins AFlorida B100010